Friday, September 5, 2008

Funny Dog Picture Drinking Out Of Straw

The funny dog in this picture is like,"What, I dont see a dog bowl!"


  1. Hi, I am a guide dog raiser in Seattle, WA. The puppy I am currently raising is named Shep. I love your blog and I love reading about other people's animal/pet experiences. I also have a website where I sell pet supplies and i have a blog on it also about guide dogs. I built the site to try and help raise money for guide dogs and other animal charities. One way you could really help me out would be to do a blog post on guide dogs or my website and what i do, thanks.

  2. Love the expression on this pooch!

  3. who is the originator of this picture? I know its from last year but would really like to know.

    if you are the originator of this photo, please email me at
